vše 12694/12694
Kytary 5775/5775
Baskytary 954/954
Bicí 1301/1301
Klávesy 734/734
Smyčce 92/92
Dechy 191/191
Zvuk 2499/2499
Světla 174/174
Hudebníci 671/671
Lekce 87/87
Ostatní 216/216
1971 Fender Super Reverb Silver Face- Open to 40000 Kč

1971 Fender Super Reverb Silver Face- Open to Trade

Selling this great amp, nothing wrong with it at all, I just can't play it at home, and looking for a smaller wattage amp. But it's a beauty, the best cleans I have ever heard.
This is already considered a proper Vintage amp, and it is indeed a great amplifier, I've had a couple of great guitar players testing it and the feedback is of actual surprise on how good it is, even at low volumes.
It's a 1971, as you may know, these early 70s Super Reverbs circuit was very similar to the earlier Black Faces, the main change was the headroom, this 1971 does not start breaking until 7 on the volume, Black Faces broke a lot earlier.
These amps are way rarer and more appreciated than the Master Volume models that came after.
The electronics on this amp are in great condition for a 53 year old amp, 90% of the electronics are still original. Incredibly the original Mallory Capacitors are still in, and in great shape, with enough life for a few more years.
As this amp was converted into 110 v, the power transformer was recoiled to meet the European voltage, so it is original, but not 100%.
It has been recently serviced and inspected by the Amazing Slavek Samal, and he warranties this amp is in Gigging condition. He only changed a couple of resistors and the Vibrato Tube. The Rectifier Tube is also new: http://www.4rockers.com/index.php/cs/kontakty
As per the speakers it has only one original left, other 2 are original CTS speakers for Super Reverb as well but from 1974.
And I recently installed one Jensen P10 R, as the 1969 speaker that was in it, stopped working. The coil still works, it just needs to be reconed, I will give it to you when you buy the amp.
It comes with a new footswitch as well.
I would consider partly change for a Fender 57 Custom Deluxe amp, a Friedman Pink Taco 20 watt head, a Gibson Les Paul Junior VB or a Gibson ES 335.
Cena: 40 000 Kč ~ 1593,30 €
Lokalita: Praha 9
Hodnocení: +53 -0
Vloženo 15.2.2025 09:56 pod č.621771
Zobrazeno 3098x

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